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Eloise Cemetery - Real Haunts in Westland MI

  • Westland, MI
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is where patients of the Eloise Asylum - a psychiatric hospital, were buried. Eloise Asylum was in operation for 150 years serving thousands of people in the metro Detroit area who were poor, diseased, and mentally ill. Following the initial operation of the the hospital, the surrounding area continued to grow to include 70+ other buildings.

Most of the area was abandoned in the 1970s. The psychiatric hospital and its adjoining areas (including the cemetery) is believed to be haunted with disembodied voices. Not only did patients die and lay buried in the area, but rumor has it that the Eloise tunnel system, which was used to transport patients from building to building also houses medical waste and other strange items from the historical days of medical science.

While the cemetery and one of the original administrative buildings (known formerly as the D building, or Kay Beard Building today) is still around, the rest of the area has been redeveloped into a strip mall, a golf course, and condominiums. The cemetery is presently closed to the public and is maintained by the Friends of Eloise.

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  • Eloise cemetery

    It was hard to find it because there is nothing there except one grave marker and a row of pine trees. I seen an article where they dug up small gravestones with numbers on them, (all the way into the 3000's) they weren't there as far as I know. We went at night though. Definitely a good experience though. And I'm clicking yes on the paranormal experience because my phone was glitching out. And there was weird energy.

    Posted 5/20/20

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Last edit to this listing: 12/23/2015 (3342 days ago)

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