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Anchor Inn - Real Houghton Lake Haunted Place

  • 1781 Heightsview Drive
  • Houghton Lake, MI
  • 989-202-4153
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  (10 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Anchor Inn sits 150 feet from a lake and is built on land that's history includes that of Indian land, logging land, a brothel, and has connections to Capone & the Purple Gang. Paranormal experiences reported have gone as far back as the 40's and 50's, including sightings of shadow figures, sounds of footsteps and door slamming, faucets turning on and off, and being touched.
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  • Green with Envy

    It's sad that a couple people who were friends of the owners and their family stabbed them in the back, then took to social media to try to discredit them or their business. Funny these people have publicly proclaimed all kinds of Paranormal experiences there back when they came there all the time and swore by it, now all of the sudden try to claim false. Really?? Well,I know with out a doubt there have been dozens of paranormal experts & investigators there and they have captions tons of evidence to back up all claims. Constant EVP's , unexplained photos, unexplained videos, and lots of personal experience and eye witness accounts. It's been featured in 3 books, and about to be featured in another'one, and a few documentaries, news articles & podcasts. They have successfully conducted paranormal tours & investigations there since 2014. And have 5 star reviews from guests. So take the jealous so called ex employee with a grain of salt. P.S. it's funny they it's family owned & operated by the way, they had some help 2011-2014 but their kids got old enough to work, so from 2014 to 2018 no body but family worked there pretty much, but in 2018 they had a big falling out with 2 very vindictive jealous ladies who were suppose to be friends. Coincidence??

    Posted 10/19/22

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  • This is the best haunted house I have ever been to...

    We had a great time at the haunted anchor inn. The staff is very pleasant. We did the combo hay ride and haunted house. Well worth the money and the drive.

    Posted 10/11/20

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • These reviews

    All of these reviews from "former workers" all posted around the same date... just trying to jump on the bandwagon and drum up some business. The website for this place is basically just a facebook-like photo album of the same 8 people. Not sold.

    Posted 12/17/18

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • I worked there a year...

    ... And never saw a damn thing. No shadow people, no moving objects, no faucets mysteriously turning themselves on. I worked with plenty of people who believed such things, though. Once while upstairs with another worker, I turned on the water in the sink to wash off my hands, and left it on to retrieve something from the hallway. The other worker entered the room behind me, and came running back out crying that "they" were at it again. I explained I'd left the water running, but she didn't believe me, and repeated the story to other staff that she'd witnessed another "apparition." It made me wonder how many "incidents" were perfectly explainable, but my doubts fell on deaf ears. Fear is contagious, and I saw people catch it at the anchor on several occasions. As for actual supernatural occurrences? I witnessed exactly ZERO the entire time I worked there. What I DID witness was a lot of poppycocked nonsense, sometimes bordering on hysteria. I'm not saying genuine hauntings never happen, but if my year there is any indication of these stories, they need to be handled with a great deal of skepticism.

    Posted 6/20/18

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    6 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Been There

    My hubby and I were there in late spring. We experienced nothing, just bad food was all.

    Posted 8/17/17

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    4 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Northern Haunt

    I use to work at the Anchor Inn for 3 years. While there I had alot of unexplained experiences. Many times I was washing dishes and a shadow figure would come stand next to me. I was not afraid I felt like it was supervising me or something. A couple other occasions I was upstairs and seen a young woman in a flowing gown and blonde hair. I knew it was not a living person as I was up there alone. A few times the bathroom faucets turned on and off n their own. An twice I heard old time music coming from upstairs, when no one was up there. There are alot more experiences, too many to tell. It was an interesting place to work.

    Posted 3/13/17

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    2 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Haunted Hotel

    I work at the Anchor Inn and I am a tour guide for the haunted tours. I have had hundreds of experiences and unexplained things happen. I've seen objects move by themselves. I've heard voices, knocking and footsteps. I've also seen an apparition of a woman upstairs one night, when I was up there alone. Later I seen a picture of the old owner who was deceased and I could not believe it. It was that same lady I seen. Another time I was up there with another woman and we both heard a breath in between us. It was a loud exhale. And it was not from either of us. I've heard my name called out many times and it was not any living person. And I've seen glasses fly off the booths by themselves with no one near them. I have been there a long time and I get stories from customers all the time about stuff happening to them while they are there. And our tour guests get EVP's and unexplained pictures and touched all the time and see & hear things. I have never had a tour group leave disappointed since I have been doing them for 2 years.

    Posted 3/6/17

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • the haunted inn

    I am a former bartender/server. I worked there for almost 3 years. I worked mostly the daytime shift and sometimes would be there alone. I would always hear noises & voices when no one was around. I seen the faucets turn on by themselves a few times. And I seen objects move. One time a heavy brass helmet was sitting on a shelf and I had a few customers at the bar. The helmet went flying off the shelf like someone threw it. It did not drop off, it flew across the bar and hit the floor so hard it put a dent in it. The customers seen it too and they were shocked. I had many customers report faucets turning on or hearing things or seeing things and being touched.

    Posted 3/6/17

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    3 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • my haunted job

    I've been a bartender at the Anchor Inn for 6 years. I have had numerous experiences there, too many to tell. A few of the ones that stand out the most are these. One time I was closing for the night and I was by myself. My girlfriend was waiting for me to do my closing duties. I turned around and standing in the hall looking at me, was a man. He was tall and broad shouldered. He was dressed in old clothing, like a lumberjack. He was there a minute, then disappeared. Another time I was upstairs in one of the rooms alone, and I went to set something on the table and I felt & heard a breath on my neck and in my ear. It freaked me out and I ran out. Another time I closed up and left for the night and realized I left my phone behind. So I went back to get it. As soon as I entered I looked up and seen a young girl standing in the hallway looking at me. She looked like a teenager and wore an old fashioned white gown. I grabbed my phone and she came towards me. I was startled, so I just ran out real fast and got out of there.

    Posted 3/6/17

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    7 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • Haunted Anchor Inn

    I was upstairs during a daytime tour and I seen a lady walking by the doorway of the room I was in. She had old fashioned clothes, a long flowing gown, hair swept up and was in her twenties. I watched her a moment, then realized she wasn't touching the floor, but floating above it. Then she disappeared. Another time I visited, I went to use the bathroom in the ladies room and when I went to go in the stall door was locked from the inside. The staff had to come crawl under & unlock it. But there had been no children there that day or around it was all older people, who could not of locked it like that. Then when I was going to the bathroom, I heard the water faucet turn on. i thought someone came in, but I went out to see no one there, never heard the loud creaky door open or close, and I was alone. yet the faucet was on.

    Posted 3/6/17

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    3 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/23/2015 (3342 days ago)

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